Comparables #

  • less
  • more
  • range
  • cmpEq

MockK provides a few argument matchers for numbers and comparable objects. These matches all use the compareTo function to compare objects.

more #

Checks if the argument is more than the value given to the matcher. Valid arguments will return a negative number when compared to the matcher value.

assertTrue(value.compareTo(arg) < 0)

less #

Checks if the argument is less than the value given to the matcher. Valid arguments will return a positive number when compared to the matcher value.

assertTrue(value.compareTo(arg) > 0)

cmpEq #

Checks if the argument is equal to the value given to the matcher, according to the compareTo function. Valid arguments will return 0 when compared to the matcher value.

assertTrue(value.compareTo(arg) == 0)

range #


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